Van Gogh as cutout I created for the Arthur episode "Framed"

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A flattened version of the Flash character build

Dog design signature

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This was a recent cleanup of an old dog design I made in about 1981 for my first business card. It's actually part of  a run cycle that I wanted to learn to make into a GIF but I couldn't figure it out before I ran out of time.

Toulouse design used on a silk screen assignment

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This is a flattened image of the seperations I made for a silk screen design in 2012. It's a combination or a few designs for things I was working on at the time but I needed one more design for the silk screen workshop I was doing at the time. The hoop was a seperate color but for some reason it got stuck on the same screen as the black parts by the person running the work shop. 

Bread guy seperations for silk screen print. 2012

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This is an image of the seperations made for a silk screen print I made in 2012. A Bread Guy character that I never used for animation but had some potential for something. A t-shirt perhaps.

Lance Armstrong On Arthur publicity material from 2011

This was an image created for publicity for the show with Lance Armstrong appearing on Arthur. This logo is not used anymore since the scandal of Lance Armstrong doping for his entire career. The episodes on PBS with Lance have also been removed from the Arthur episode rotation and will never be aired again. 

Bronco Teddy demo 2006

Quicktime video -low resolution.